Sunday, June 01, 2008

Junk Raft

To bring awareness to the staggering amount of plastic in our oceans, members of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation spent the last few months making a sailboat out of plastic bottles and other "junk". Today they set sail from Long Beach, CA harbor with the goal to sail to Hawaii in about 6 weeks. We were fortunate enough to watch them get under way today at their launch party. It was quite exciting!

Visit the junk raft blog to see updates on the voyage, learn more about the junk raft, and find out how plastics are hurting our oceans.

2008 World Science Festival

As I write, the festival is over this year but, it still interesting to see what events transpired over the past week. The World Science Festival is held in New York City. This year it was from May 28- June 1, 2o08.

From what I gather about the World Science Festival, the sessions and talks contain a unique blend of scientists and celebrities discussing a wide range of science topics. The NY Times TierneyLab Blog offers some interesting commentary and discussion about the festival. Of course you can still visit the World Science Festival website to see the past weeks activities as well as sign up for info on the 2009 festival.

If anyone actually attended any of the events I would be curious to hear your thoughts!